Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Challenges And Achievements Of The Colombia s Health Care...

Name: Victor Calderon Title: Challenges and Achievements of the Colombia’s Health Care System, 1993-2014 Project 2 THE TOPIC and THE ISSUE (question): T:Colombia’s health Care System Q: How effective have government measures been in reducing health system problems in Colombia? What are some of the challenges facing the health care system in there, especially health services in rural areas? INTRO-DIFFERENT POINTS OF VIEW: Background Background: 70s-90s, Colombia: low-middle income country/ 38 Mill inhabitants †¢70% living Urban A. †¢Infant mortality rate 25x1000 birth †¢Col- ↓Impact of chronic diseases †¢Ã¢â€ â€˜Prevalence of violence →a third of all deaths †¢70s-90% resources concentrated on curative care †¢80s, Col moved toward†¦show more content†¦DEFINITION- Key terms Word count: Decentralization: Term used to connote a variety of reforms characterized by the transfer of fiscal, administrative, and/or political authority for planning, management, or service delivery from the central Ministry of Health to alternate institutions. BODY Section 1: Government measures Word count:300 TOPIC SENTENCE: The development of the health care system in Colombia has been mediated by international organizations which have forced it to construct numerous reforms in order to meet the social and health needs of its population. Arguments/Ideas/Points Sources (author surname date) Health challenges of past governments †¢ Reduce mortality in children under 5 †¢ Improve sexual and reproductive health †¢ Fight high impact communicable diseases †¢ Nutrition and food safety. Creation of several reforms until now as a measure to meet the international agreements. †¢ Health Reform ‘93 –Law 100 †¢ Water and Sewerage Reform- Laws 60-‘93 and 142-‘94 †¢ 2011, unifying contributory and subsidised insurance schemes into a new universal health insurance plan. (Law 1438) †¢ World Health Organization 2008 †¢ Tsai, TC 2010 †¢ Vargas-Zea, N, Castro, H, Rodrà ­guez-Pà ¡ez, F, Tà ©llez, D Salazar-Arias, R 2012 †¢ Granados, C, Sanchez, F 2013 Body Section 2: Effectiveness Word count:300 TOPIC SENTENCE: There is no doubt that the government of Colombia has improved the health system and as a result the health conditions of its

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